Sunday 29 April 2018

Three birds with one stone!

Got some help from the skellie captain with this one but wasn't enough to prevent her meeting the same ending as CommanderDHawk.

Easy does it!

Sometimes you have to trust your skills as a helmsman. While sailing out of a storm I found myself in a bit of a tight spot but managed to steer my sloop through it unscathed.

Did I get the right one?

We shoot the green ones right?

Digging for ... BOOM!

Is that a treasure chest you're digging up or a powder barrel n9tothe1siccnz?

Sunday 22 April 2018

When pigs attack!

Aww ... look at the cute wee piggy ... ouch!
Why you little $@%!

Platypus Sacrifice

Oh mighty Snake God, please accept the offering of HMS Platypus.

Monkey Arms

Stacky A had been at the wheel all day and her arms were starting to feel heavy!

Got my back

It's always good to know your crew's got your back.

Rocks are friends!

While being chased our Captain called upon this friendly rock for some assistance. We later found that they survived this encounter only to then crash into Shipwreck Bay and sink there. 

Well they tried! 😂

And where are you going?

When you try to leave a fort before the battle is complete!

Saturday 21 April 2018

Clearing the cobwebs!

There's enough creepy things in a fort, we don't need SpiderBat138 leaving cobwebs everywhere!

Snake on Snake Island

I had warned Pasha Entreri about the snakes on Snake Island but he never listens!

Pasha Learns to fly!

Kill me!

Sometimes pirates want to go boom, and that was the case with iLord Felwinter, see you later matey!


Causing a distraction while my crewmates cash in!

Projectile Vomit

My crewmate took projectile vomiting to a new level!

Kicking back at Golden Sands!

Sometimes after a long voyage, pirates just want to kick back and have some fun. We'd been at sea for many days and felt it was time we had a wee rest and some grog. Unfortunately every Outpost we headed for had a galleon docked at it and the seas had been pretty hostile during our time on in.

At the 4th Outpost we'd had enough and decided to take our chanced with a galleon that was arriving from the other direction. We got there first and cashed on our haul before bullets started whizzing past our heads.

We yelled out we didn't want to fighting and if they're interested, join us in the tavern for a drink. Turned out they'd had similar hostile waters and we're happy to knock back a few drinks with us at the Captains Head. 

What followed was one of my funnest moments in Sea of Thieves. We drank, played music, danced, had a water/puke fight & fired ourselves out of cannons. The pirate life is awesome but you've got to remember to let your hair down and have some fun now and then!

The tale of two Villainous Skulls

Chapter One: Making Friends
While cruising the seas on my own I happened upon a marooned pirate guarding some booty on Crook’s Hollow. From a distance I could see the glow from a villainous skull which he’d tried to hide behind a couple of chests and a gun power barrel … wait a gun powder barrel!

I lined up a shot and was ready to pull the trigger; this was going to be easy, too easy. I took my finger of the trigger and decided to engage. Turned out his crew had lost their ship and were on their way back to collect their loot. I was about to tell him his mistake and the position he’d put himself in with the gun powder barrel but some skellies showed up and sent him to the ferry.

I did a quick scout of the horizon spotting two galleons and a sloop. Not knowing which galleon was his and a sloop closing in on the island I decided to hide his villainous skull. If I’d had the time I would’ve moved it all but with the sloop arriving at the island and a galleon fast approaching I jumped on my ship and took off.

I hid the skull on a nearby island and returned to Crook’s Hollow. The marooned pirate had returned with his crew and understandably were a bit hostile, their villainous skull was missing. After a short volley a cannonballs I managed to make contact and a member of the crew boarded my sloop. Now I was thinking, if these guys are jerks then I’ll just return to the skull and cash it in myself.

Thankfully jerks they were not. So I sailed over to Barnacle Cay where I’d hid the skull for them to retrieve. On arriving at the island we noticed the sloop had followed us over. I slipped the skull onto their ship without the other sloop noticing. We had a few drinks, played music and partook in some shenanigans while I explained what I did. If I hadn’t moved the skull surely the other sloop would have taken it as it was visible from afar due to the glow and it being at night.

In the far distance a skull appeared in the sky and as this crew had yet to tackle a skellie fort we agreed to team up to take it down. On route we cleared out a shipwreck and cashed in all our booty at Sanctuary Outpost.

We worked as one to clear the waves and vanquished the skeleton captain. I let them have the privilege of unlocking the door and we agreed to just grab whatever we could instead of wasting time divvying up the loot. Like all first timers they were distracted by the skeleton chest while I swooped on the fortress skull. It was clear they didn’t know the value of the items. After I’d grabbed a few high value items I decided to let them have a couple too.

We sailed back to Sanctuary Outpost to cash in our haul and celebrate with a few tankards of Grog. It was now I decided to tell them my jerk move, swiping the skull along with the other high value items. They didn’t care and were just happy to have completed the raid learning some tips along the way. After a few more grogs and much laughter they welcomed me to their crew before heading off on their next voyage.

Chapter Two: Payback
Still buzzing from our Skellie Fort victory I helped my new crew resupply their, our ship before heading out on our next voyage. We accepted a contract from the Gold Hoarders and made our way to our first destination, Sunken Grove. As we loaded our 2 Marauders chests on board a sloop pulled up alongside our galleon. They seemed friendly enough and Capt. Fluffmuffin (can’t remember his name but sounded like this) boarded our ship and joined us in a drink & some dancing. Little did we know, his crewmate had snuck aboard and pinched one of our chests. By the time we realised their sloop was well gone and nothing we could do about it.

We didn’t dwell on our loss for long and set off to our next destination. Our voyage was full of shenanigans, laughter and lots of treasure. The (in game) days past rather quickly and our gold grew just as fast. We soon found ourselves heading towards a familiar island, Crook’s Hollow. As we approached the island we reminisced on how we first met, not knowing this stop would once again give us another memorable moment.

As we searched the island for our next dig spot we came across a sloop docked on the far side of the island. We made contact and the crew were happy for use to join them for a drink aboard their ship. While two of use downed some grog with the sloop crew the other two located our treasure and returned it to our ship.

We let them know we’d finished collecting our booty from the island and were heading off to our next destination. As my crewmate ran back to our ship I advised I’d take the longer route along the beach in case there was something washed up along the shore. The sloop crew also headed off into the island in search of their treasure.

About half way down the beach I doubled back to the sloop. During my drunken state I’d stumbled to their lower deck and noticed I nice glow hidden in the corner. I’d directed my crew to sail along the south of the island as they set sail away from Crook’s Hollow. As they brought the ship around I boarded the sloop, grabbed the Villainous Skull and swam out to meet my ship. As it sailed past I grabbed the ladder and placed the skull in the captain’s cabin.

One of my crew seen me run into the cabin and asked what I had. I asked if any of my crew recognised the names of the sloop crew, but they didn’t jog anyone’s memory. “Well lucky for you guys I recognised one, Capt. Fluffmuffin.” Yes it was the same crew who relieved us of a Marauders Chest way back at the start of our voyage. I decided to return the favour by relieving them of something far more valuable.

As we sailed to Plunder Outpost to end our voyage and cash in our haul the sea turned black. Oh great, the Kraken! But by now we were a well-oiled machined and dealt with the kraken with ease. Soon we were celebrating in the Drowned Rat Tavern and looking back at how this epic voyage begun and how it could so easily not have happened.

From a chance meeting at Crook’s Hollow we went on an amazing adventure; we lined our pockets with loads of gold, defeated a Skellie Captain at a Fort, got revenge on a sneaky sloop, took down the kraken and shared lots of laughter along the way.

Jangles87 the hero!

Always good to know your crew have your back. Although I doubt Jangles87 was expecting the shark to do a quick 180.

Go long!

Looking for a quicker way to offload your chests, try this wee trick.

Pirate ping pong

When you meet a friendly crew who want to practice their boarding skills.

Sunday 15 April 2018

Two galleons & a sloop meet at a fort

As we approached Keel Haul Fort to take on the skellies we noticed a galleon already docked and engaged in battle with those bony foes. We docked on the opposite side of the island and as I headed ashore to try’n form an alliance, Stacky A stayed with the ship as it was in need of repair due to the heavy cannon fire on our approach.

After taking down some skellies a pirate from the galleon shot me in the back sending me to the Ferry. It wasn’t long before he joined me there and sharply asked us to leave. I told him we just wanted to help and weren’t interested in the loot before returning to the land of the living.

It wasn’t long before I was back on the Ferry and again joined by a crew member from the galleon. He asked why we wouldn’t leave and once more I said we just wanted to help. He told me his crew would just keep killing us until we left. “Well we’re going to stay and fight” I told him which he responded with “well good luck with that!”

On returning to my ship we raised anchor and sailed around to their galleon. We opened fire and put several holes in their hull before I fired myself across to take down the crew. I quickly dispatched one before heading down below to take care or the pirate repairing the ship. The remaining two crew members were on the island but frantically swimming back to their ship.

The galleon was slowly sinking as they both boarded but with two against one I didn’t stand a chance. Meanwhile, Stacky A had acquired a gunpowder barrel and had swam under their ship. BOOM! The damage from the blast was enough to finish of the galleon and send it to the depths. Unfortunately our sloop had run aground and was soon following the galleon to the seabed.

Once we had a new ship we set sail back to Keel Haul Fort to continue the battle. The galleon had already arrived so we dock once again on the other side. I decided to give the galleon crew another chance to crew up and started to head over to their ship. As I ran across the island I heard the sound of cannons being fired. A second galleon had turned up and was tearing into the first galleon which was soon sinking to the depths again.

I was able to make contact with the second galleon and we formed an alliance to take down the fort. Working together we made light work of the waves of skellies and soon had to key for the vault door. Unfortunately the first galleon had returned in search of revenge. The captain of the second galleon decided to flee with the key and return later to collect the booty.

A full day (in game) passed and the first galleon was still giving chase. The captain of the second galleon has tried all his tricks to out run the chasing ship but to no avail. Stacky A and I tried to pitch our suggestions but they were not taken on and our presence on the ship was starting to feel un-welcomed.

While trying to think up a new plan, the captain of our ship made a directional mistake and soon the first galleon was alongside and opened fire. During the chaos I decided to take matters into my own hands. I grabbed the fort key and jumped overboard. It was a bit of a swim but I managed to make it to Sailor’s Knot Stronghold. I hid the key on the island and made my way to a waiting mermaid just of the shore.

On retuning to my sloop I made chase for the two galleons and it wasn’t long before I’d found them. I member of the second galleon jumped overboard as I tailed them and she climbed about my ship. We pulled away and went to collect the key while her ship distracted the chasing galleon. We collected the key but as we headed towards the fort to collect the booty they turned on us. Apparently their captain wasn’t too pleased with my plan.

Stacky A was still on the galleon but not for long, a blunderbuss to the back sent her to the Ferry. Unfortunately for them their crewmate on our sloop wasn’t as accurate and they, rather than me, were heading to the Ferry. It was clear our alliance was over.

The second galleon had managed to shake off the first galleon and were now on our tail. They caught up with us just north of Cannon Cove and boarded our ship. As we passed Lonely Isle two of them jumped ashore with the key and Stacky A gave chase. As I tried my best to keep our ship afloat while they peppered our sloop with cannonballs, their captain made his second directional mistake. He steered his ship right into some rocks.

As the galleon sunk to the depths two of their crewmates were left marooned on Lonely Isle alongside Stacky A and the fort key. I don’t think they knew what island they were on as they wanted us to come back for them in our sloop.  After which they would be able to determine the island and get their galleon to come get them. Playing dumb, Stacky A couldn’t remember what island they were on and when some skeletons finished off one of their crewmates she quickly grabbed the fort key then dropped it somewhere else on the island while the other crew member was occupied with another skellie. When asked what happened to the key Stacky A just said their other crewmate had it before he died. After that, Stacky A was finished off by a skellie herself, leaving their lone crew member on the island. We hoped the crew member wouldn’t find the key or that the Galleon would be able to re-locate the island.

I patched up our ship as Stacky A respawned and we returned to Lonely Isle. No one was on the island when we got there and after a bit of searching we grabbed the key, which had remained hidden in the sand.  With the key in our possession, we made a beeline for Keel Haul Fort. As we pulled up at the fort we scanned the horizon for ships, the coast was clear. We quickly loaded all the treasure onto our ship and made our way to Sanctuary Outpost for a well-earned payday.

As we sat in The George & Kraken enjoy a nice tankard of grog I couldn’t get the words from the first galleon out of my head “well good luck with that!” We both laughed and thought how things could have been so different if they’d just accepted our help.

Wednesday 11 April 2018

Echoing Boom!

The explosion of EchooProo echoed right across Cannon Cove!

Snake Boomerang!

Hold my grog while I deal with this skellie!

Stacky A goes boom!

Stacky A thinks she's getting an easy 100 gold, but I have other ideas!

Totaled Ecljpse!

Check out this total Ecljpse is Sea of Thieves! 

Snake Kiss

Loving the snakes, who wouldn't with a smile like that 💗

The amazing vanishing LogansDadToo with KnifeLife!

The amazing vanishing LogansDadToo is at it again, this time he's joined by KnifeLife

The amazing vanishing LogansDadToo!

If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it. One minute he's there, the next he's not!


For my first trick, I'll be turning Jangles87 into a Golden Chalice!

Finger lickin good!

Just cooking our dinner after a long day pirating!

Run Away ... Boom!

I was coming to an end of a long voyage with my partner in crime, Stacky A. Our ship was full of treasure and our destination Galleons Grave. We could see the outpost in the distance and I could already taste the grog on my lips. This was a hefty haul and one worth celebrating.

As we pulled up to dock a galleon appeared from behind a nearby island. We knew we wouldn’t be able to unload before they would be on us so decided to cash in what we could then head to another outpost. We headed west hoping they’d dock at Galleons Grave leaving us to safely finish cashing in at Dagger Tooth. This was not to be and they gave chase.

As we sailed passed Dagger Tooth we both grabbed an item and jumped overboard leaving our ship to sail on its own. After cashing in we called on the trusty merfolk to return us to our ship.

No matter what we tried they kept gaining on us. I decided to try’n board their ship by jumping of the back of our sloop and grabbing their ladder as they sailed past, success! I quickly scrambled up the ladder and dropped their anchor before a quick trip to the Ferry of the Damned. I managed to repeat this but on my third attempt they’re grown wiser and shot me while trying to board.

We were now heading to Sanctuary Outpost but knew they’d be on us before we reached the island. With Stacky A at the wheel I decided to give boarding them another try but as I made it on deck they opened fire. This time however I managed to escape down below. It wasn’t long before they found me but long enough for me to notice a large supply of gunpowder barrels.

After another trip to the ferry I was back on my ship and thinking up a plan on how to utilise those barrels. They had been chasing us for almost 2 days (in game) and the only way we’d be able to cash in all our loot is if we could get them off out tail.

We’ll before we could come up with a plan they were right beside us and opened fire, boom … BOOOOM!

When they opened fire our ships were so close that one of their gunpowder barrels exploded causing a chain reaction through their galleon. Their attention was quickly taken away from us and to repairing their ship. Unfortunately for them the damage was too great and their ship was soon making its way to the depths. Our ship was also heavily damaged but the 2 of us managed to plug the holes quickly and keep our sloop afloat.

With them now out of the way we were able to dock at the outpost and unload all our treasure in peace. We finally got to relax in the tavern with a grog knowing if it wasn’t for their small oversight things could have ended differently.

Tip of the day: Choose where you store your gunpowder barrels wisely.

Monday 9 April 2018

Who needs enemies!

First name on the Boom List is SnrDelgado. I well placed barrel hidden in some bushes behind an old rowboat at Dagger Tooth Outpost. 

The Banana Snorkel

Today I discovered something new; bananas contain oxygen, who knew? Well not me or anyone on my crew for that matter!

We had discovered the location of a shipwreck and decided to search it for booty and supplies. The ship was pretty deep but I’ve been getting pretty good at holding my breath for long periods while under water.

Unfortunately my skills weren’t as honed as I’d thought and I started to run out of air. I was still in the shipwreck so wouldn’t make it to the surface in time. I don’t know why but I grabbed a banana I found on the ship and decided to eat it, I thought “this would be the last thing I ever eat”.

As I bit into the banana I got a rush of oxygen, it wasn’t a lot but enough to give me a few more seconds of life. I quickly grabbed more bananas that were floating in the ship and proceeded to consume them as I made my way to the surface.

As I breached the surface I could hear my crew yelling to me. As I was underwater for a long time they thought I may have drowned. On hearing this I yelled out “don’t worry, I have my Banana Snorkel”. They looked back at me confused until I explained what happened. This discovery means we can now dive deeper and spend longer searching those shipwrecks.

The Banana Snorkel was born and we never go swimming without one.

Thursday 5 April 2018

Time To Be More Pirate!

It’s been over a year since I first arrived in the Sea of Thieves and what a year it’s been. I’ve spent a large portion of this time exploring the world and campaigning for snakes to be reintroduced to Snake Island. Well the snakes have arrived and it’s time to focus on being more pirate.

I’ll be using this site to log my more memorable voyages along with the shenanigans I get up, hope you enjoy.