Wednesday 11 April 2018

Run Away ... Boom!

I was coming to an end of a long voyage with my partner in crime, Stacky A. Our ship was full of treasure and our destination Galleons Grave. We could see the outpost in the distance and I could already taste the grog on my lips. This was a hefty haul and one worth celebrating.

As we pulled up to dock a galleon appeared from behind a nearby island. We knew we wouldn’t be able to unload before they would be on us so decided to cash in what we could then head to another outpost. We headed west hoping they’d dock at Galleons Grave leaving us to safely finish cashing in at Dagger Tooth. This was not to be and they gave chase.

As we sailed passed Dagger Tooth we both grabbed an item and jumped overboard leaving our ship to sail on its own. After cashing in we called on the trusty merfolk to return us to our ship.

No matter what we tried they kept gaining on us. I decided to try’n board their ship by jumping of the back of our sloop and grabbing their ladder as they sailed past, success! I quickly scrambled up the ladder and dropped their anchor before a quick trip to the Ferry of the Damned. I managed to repeat this but on my third attempt they’re grown wiser and shot me while trying to board.

We were now heading to Sanctuary Outpost but knew they’d be on us before we reached the island. With Stacky A at the wheel I decided to give boarding them another try but as I made it on deck they opened fire. This time however I managed to escape down below. It wasn’t long before they found me but long enough for me to notice a large supply of gunpowder barrels.

After another trip to the ferry I was back on my ship and thinking up a plan on how to utilise those barrels. They had been chasing us for almost 2 days (in game) and the only way we’d be able to cash in all our loot is if we could get them off out tail.

We’ll before we could come up with a plan they were right beside us and opened fire, boom … BOOOOM!

When they opened fire our ships were so close that one of their gunpowder barrels exploded causing a chain reaction through their galleon. Their attention was quickly taken away from us and to repairing their ship. Unfortunately for them the damage was too great and their ship was soon making its way to the depths. Our ship was also heavily damaged but the 2 of us managed to plug the holes quickly and keep our sloop afloat.

With them now out of the way we were able to dock at the outpost and unload all our treasure in peace. We finally got to relax in the tavern with a grog knowing if it wasn’t for their small oversight things could have ended differently.

Tip of the day: Choose where you store your gunpowder barrels wisely.

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