Saturday 21 April 2018

Kicking back at Golden Sands!

Sometimes after a long voyage, pirates just want to kick back and have some fun. We'd been at sea for many days and felt it was time we had a wee rest and some grog. Unfortunately every Outpost we headed for had a galleon docked at it and the seas had been pretty hostile during our time on in.

At the 4th Outpost we'd had enough and decided to take our chanced with a galleon that was arriving from the other direction. We got there first and cashed on our haul before bullets started whizzing past our heads.

We yelled out we didn't want to fighting and if they're interested, join us in the tavern for a drink. Turned out they'd had similar hostile waters and we're happy to knock back a few drinks with us at the Captains Head. 

What followed was one of my funnest moments in Sea of Thieves. We drank, played music, danced, had a water/puke fight & fired ourselves out of cannons. The pirate life is awesome but you've got to remember to let your hair down and have some fun now and then!

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