Tuesday 10 July 2018

Happy Hour!

When happy hour is about to start at the nearest outpost!

Sticky Bomb

Loving the new fuses, unfortunately not sure if bglPROPPS is though! 

What a sho ... aaargh!

When you do something awesome, just slip away before you make a fool of yourself, like trip off the edge of a cliff!

Think he needs drum lessons

Some pirates are musically gifted and some are not, Picaaroon is the latter. 
Maybe some drum lessons would help.

Happy Pirate Legend Birthday!

After many days & nights full of mayhem & shenanigans, I reached the rank of Pirate Legend. I say rank as it takes more than just a title to make you a legend on the seas, something I feel I reached long ago. I've had so many great memories on the sea and plan to have many more.

I chose to enter the hideout for the first time through my favorite tavern, The Snake Pit, and with my regular scallywag by my side. Reaching this landmark is definitely a highlight and to do so on my birthday as well made it just that little bit more special.

Monday 9 July 2018

That Last Chicken!

When you're in a rush to deliver that last chicken for your Merchant Alliance order!

The George & Boom!

We may have to rename Clumsy George's tavern to The George & Boom.

Monday 2 July 2018

New Mermaid Spotted!

Stacky a has decided to give up the pirate life and become a mermaid!

Snake Boomerang 2

While on long voyages I like to island hop to gather resources and search for treasure maps in bottles or journals. However, I changed my mind at the last minute and decided to stay on the ship this time.